China’s Yulin Dog Meat Festival Begins Despite Rumours of Ban

A controversial dog meat festival has begun in the Chinese city of Yulin, despite earlier reports it had been cancelled or toned down this year. The Lychee and Dog Meat festival takes place annually in Guangxi province. Earlier this year, US campaigners claimed that vendors had been told by authorities not to sell dog meat. … Read more

China’s Dog Meat Festival Opens Despite Ban Rumours

A notorious Chinese dog meat festival opened on Wednesday with butchers hacking slabs of canines and cooks frying the flesh despite rumours that authorities would impose a ban this year. After initial reports that authorities would prohibit the meat at the summer solstice event in the southern town of Yulin, animal rights groups said vendors … Read more

Carrefour Pulls Dog Meat From Shelves In China

French retailer Carrefour has removed dog meat products from two supermarkets in China after an outcry from animal rights groups. Animals Asia said it had already asked the international chain, which operates over 200 stores in China, to remove dog meat from its shelves in 2012. The company promised to do so, it said, but … Read more

Carrefour Pulls Dog Meat From Shelves In China

French retailer Carrefour has removed dog meat products from two supermarkets in China after an outcry from animal rights groups. Animals Asia said it had already asked the international chain, which operates over 200 stores in China, to remove dog meat from its shelves in 2012. The company promised to do so, it said, but … Read more

Talk of China Dog Meat Festival Ban All Bark, No Bite

Animal rights groups say dog meat has been banned at a controversial festival in China, but local restaurants claim they haven’t heard anything about the purported prohibition. The celebration in the southwestern town of Yulin has long drawn international criticism but this year authorities have prohibited sales of butchered canines, the Humane Society International (HSI) … Read more