A Letter Of Consolation To Dr. Kofi A. BusiaOn The Coup In Ghana

“The members of the government [Busia’s] pretended to care about press freedom but made it impossible for any paper with contrary opinion to be published. Dr. Busia and his government kept in place all the powers and restrictions that the Nkrumah government instituted against free press and free speech. “As an example of their hypocrisy, … Read more

Tear Down The Gandhi Statue 4

“Mahatma Gandhi will always be remembered as long as free men and those who love freedom and justice live” (Haile Selassie 1, Emperor of Ethiopia). “Gandhi must be forgiven these prejudices in the context of the time and the circumstances” (Gandhi’s grandson and biographer Rajmohan Gandhi attributes this quote to Nelson Mandela). Here are some … Read more