AfDB Explores Investment Strategies To Tilt Markets In Favour of African Farmers

African Development Bank (AfDB) has proposed new investment strategies in Africa’s agriculture sector, which, if properly implemented, would effectively alter the market structures around the world in favour of the African farmers of major cash crops like tea, coffee and cocoa. AfDB Vice-President for Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery, Khaled Sherif, says for the … Read more

Anton Wilhelm Amo, Ghanas Greatest Philosophical Genius 2

“Anton Wilhelm Amo’s most devoted researcher and biographer, the East German scholar Burchard Brentjes, writes in his generally excellent 1977 study, “Anton Wilhelm Amo: Der Schwarze Philosoph in Halle,” that were it not for the peculiarities of Amo’s life and identity, there would be little reason to study his work… “At the same time, I … Read more

Anton Wilhelm Amo, Ghanas Greatest Philosophical Genius 1

“Our honored Professor Hollman, while he was still in Wittenberg, conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on a Negro [Anton Wilhelm Amo] who proved his great talent both in his writings and in his lectures, and who later came to Berlin as counselor to the King. I have two of his treatises before me, … Read more