Control It! Why Do You Make So Much Noise During Sex?

Every night in my building I’m treated to a concert of loud sex. Like clockwork, at 6:30, the soundtrack begins and “Ooh ooh ooh ooh!” rings out with the same rhythmic regularity and decibel level. Frequently – “Oh God!” – the Lord is called upon to listen too. And between the young heterosexual couple down … Read more

Scientists Explain Why Women Scream During Sex

– When a woman moans during sex their partners always feel happy thinking that she is reacting out of pleasure – Men often think that they are doing a good job when their women moan and they sometimes associate the noise with orgasm which is not always the case You have either watched sex episodes … Read more

Trump African Surrogate Kobina Kennedy Falls For Lies and the ‘unfair’ Racket

“…When God wanted to start the most enduring revolution in history, he chose a carpenter’s son…Let there be a return to commonsense and common values…”, Kobina Arthur Kennedy/Kwame Dankwah). “LIKE FATHER LIKE SON”, THE OLD SAGE WROTE: Decades before Dr. Kobina Arthur Kennedy went to America, many years before he wrote about commonsense and common … Read more