Trump African Surrogate Kobina Kennedy Falls For Lies and the ‘unfair’ Racket

“…When God wanted to start the most enduring revolution in history, he chose a carpenter’s son…Let there be a return to commonsense and common values…”, Kobina Arthur Kennedy/Kwame Dankwah). “LIKE FATHER LIKE SON”, THE OLD SAGE WROTE: Decades before Dr. Kobina Arthur Kennedy went to America, many years before he wrote about commonsense and common … Read more

Prof Kwaku Asare Totally Distorts Why Akufo-Addo Has No Law Degree (Part 2)

We beg o, Prof Kwaku Asare!…This is the 21st Century…Today, it matters that people know and critically understand exactly how and why someone appointed and given two separate and unrelated hats (Attorney General / Minister of Justice) actually qualified for the DUAL HATS and positions, beyond the party card they have in their hand…Several of … Read more

Prof Kwaku Asare Totally Distorts Why Akufo-Addo Has No Law Degree (Part 1)

“…We beg o, Prof Kwaku Asare!…This is serious business. This is the 21st Century…Today, it matters that people know and critically understand exactly how and why someone appointed and given two separate and unrelated hats (Attorney General / Minister of Justice) actually qualified for the DUAL HATS and positions, beyond the party card they have … Read more