Chasing Dreams After 5 [Article]

It is encouraging to hear stories of how people quit their regular jobs, in some cases, high-paying jobs to start their own businesses. Despite the obvious challenges start-ups in our part of the world face, some have braced the odds and with determination and sheer passion, they are doing remarkably well which is truly inspiring. … Read more

Mantrac Injects US$60m Into Economy

Mantrac Ghana says it over US$60million investment injection over the last two years is aimed at boosting the company’s capabilities and structures. It is also targeted at expanding its business portfolio and to deepen customer service delivery in the country’s automobile industry. The investment is directed at improving new facility at Tema Free Zones area, … Read more

The World Bank Praises Ghana’s Economic Growth Over the Past 10 years

The World Bank has praised Ghana for what it calls the enviable growth of the country’s economy in terms of development over the past ten years. According to the World Bank, Ghana’s significant growth is as a result of strong governance systems, increased in productivity and the discovery of oil in recent years, ranking Ghana … Read more