Scaramucci Out As Trump’s New Chief of Staff Takes Reins

Foul-mouthed spin doctor Anthony Scaramucci was fired as White House communications director Monday, just 10 days after being named to the post and hours after Donald Trump’s new chief of staff was sworn in. The 53-year-old New Yorker — whose vitriolic rant against colleagues gained him global notoriety — got the boot shortly after retired … Read more

In Tweeted Video, Trump Knocks Down, Beats Up ‘CNN’

US President Donald Trump launched a fresh attack on the news media Sunday by tweeting a video — bizarre even by his standards — showing him knocking down and beating a professional wrestling “villain” whose face had been replaced by a CNN logo. The 10-year-old video, hailing back to Trump’s days as a guest celebrity … Read more

A Red Line Already Crossed In Syria

President Donald Trump’s decision to strike the Syrian regime in retaliation for a chemical attack comes four years after his predecessor Barack Obama faced a similar challenge from Damascus — and chose to back down. There was no doubt among the international community on August 21, 2013: Obama’s “red line” had just been crossed in … Read more

Broad Institute Wins Gene-Editing Patent Case

What many have described as the biotechnology trial of the century came to a close Wednesday, with the Broad Institute winning the patent to a popular gene-editing process known as CRISPR/Cas-9. The legal battle over who really invented the technology pitted Feng Zhang of the Broad Institute — a research facility affiliated with Harvard University … Read more

When Anti-Terrorism Becomes Terrorism (1)

A couple of weeks ago, the President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, sacked the country’s Attorney-General, Sally Quillian Yates, for giving a direct order to her staff to ignore the executive order issued by the president against admitting people of specifically-named religion and countries into the US in the name of … Read more