What If Germany Had Not Lost Its Colonies In Africa?

The Germans were latecomers to the scramble for Africa. Even if there may have been individual Germans scouring the coasts of Africa (as slave traders?), it was only after the Berlin Conference of 1844-85 that Germany became an established colonial power in Africa. The conference (also known in German as Kongokonferenz or Westafrika-Konferenz) is said … Read more

Ghana, A Throwback Story [episode 1]

Out of invisible boundaries Africa was needlessly partitioned displacing families and creating an illusion of a different African people. Till today Africa has been unable to erase these invisible lines. The scramble for Africa during the period of New Imperialism between 1881 and 1914 caused the death and denigration of many Africans. Slavery and colonization … Read more

Foreign Interferences In The Political History Of Africa

“Africa will write its own history, and it will be, to the north and to the south of the Sahara, a history of glory and dignity (Patrice Lumumba). ‘The world is at critical juncture, and so are you…Go ahead and make your plans…and don’t stop learning. But be open to the detours that lead to … Read more