Online ‘suicide’ Searches Spiked After Netflix’s ’13 Reasons Why’
Online searches about suicide and suicidal methods soared in the weeks following the release of controversial Netflix drama "13 Reasons ...
Online searches about suicide and suicidal methods soared in the weeks following the release of controversial Netflix drama "13 Reasons ...
One in three cases of dementia could be prevented if more people looked after their brain health throughout life, according ...
A kind of Japanese seaweed that is considered an invasive species in the United States is actually serving an important ...
Sea spiders do not move blood and oxygen through their bodies with the help of vigorously beating hearts, like most ...
Vaccines delivered via a painless, throw-away patch could one day eliminate the need for needle-and-syringe flu injections, researchers said Wednesday ...
People diagnosed with melanoma who then undergo surgery to have lymph nodes removed near the original tumor site do not ...
So-called "light" cigarettes with holes in the filter could be the reason why a specific kind of lung cancer has ...
Human noise is polluting more than half of natural protected areas in the United States, to such an extent that ...
Wild dolphins are exposed to more pollutants than their captive counterparts, which could explain why they face higher rates of ...
Increasing the number of young children who exercise for just under a half hour a few times a week could ...
High-tech dating of mastodon remains found in southern California has shattered the timeline of human migration to America, pushing the ...
When deprived of oxygen, naked mole-rats have a unique ability to convert sugar to energy, a skill that might one ...
Salting of roads in winter helps drivers navigate snow and ice, but the runoff may be irreparably damaging freshwater lakes ...
Children in New Zealand who were exposed to high levels of lead have grown up to be less intelligent adults ...
Americans are having less sex than they did in the past two decades, and couples who are married or live ...
Childhood cancer often strikes its youngest victims the hardest, and the death rate for infants may be up to four ...
Rates of colon and rectal cancer are rising sharply among young and middle-aged adults in the United States but doctors ...
For the first time in Africa, researchers said Wednesday they have detected a malaria parasite that is partially resistant to ...
Women who are infected with genital herpes early in their pregnancy may face twice the risk of bearing a child ...
By 2030 life expectancy for South Korean women could top nine decades, an average lifespan long thought to be out ...
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