Operators of Ameri Must Go For Renegotiation of Deal

The Institute of Energy and Climate Change Policy (IECP) has charged operators of the Ameri Power Plant to accept the recommendations of the Philip Adisson Committee and renegotiate the deal with government. According to the institute, a relook at the terms of the deal will benefit both operators of the Ameri Power Plant, as well … Read more

Operators of Ameri Must Go For Renegotiation of Deal-IECP

The Institute of Energy and Climate Change Policy (IECP) has charged operators of the Ameri Power Plant to accept the recommendations of the Philip Adisson Committee and renegotiate the deal with government. According to the institute, a relook at the terms of the deal will benefit both operators of the Ameri Power Plant, as well as … Read more

Committee Reviewing AMERI Deal Too Political

The committee charged to review the AMERI power deal which recommended abrogation of the deal on grounds of fraud, is too partisan to be taken seriously, the former deputy Power Minister, John Jinapor has intimated. The 17-member committee, which has been working under the auspices of the Energy Minister since February 1, 2017, said Ghana … Read more

AMERI Power Deal Over-Priced By $150m

Government has been advised to re-negotiate a $510m power deal with UAE-based AMERI energy after a report revealed it was over-priced by $150million. The recommendation was contained in a report of a committee tasked by the Energy ministry to review the February 10 agreement signed in 2015 with Africa and Middle East Resources Investment Group’s … Read more

Ameri Deal To Be Abrogated Over 150m Bloated Commission

The committee charged to review, restructure and recommend areas of amendment of the Ameri power deal, has recommended that the deal be re-negotiated or abrogated on grounds of fraud, after it emerged that Ghana was made to pay 150 million dollars extra in commission to Africa & Middle East Resources Investment Group LLC (Ameri Energy) … Read more

Ameri Deal To Be Abrogated Over $150m Bloated Commission

The committee charged to review, restructure and recommend areas of amendment of the Ameri power deal, has recommended that the deal be re-negotiated or abrogated on grounds of fraud, after it emerged that Ghana was made to pay 150 million dollars extra in commission to Africa & Middle East Resources Investment Group LLC (Ameri Energy) … Read more