PPP Officials Attend Liberals Congress In Kenya

Four office of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP) will represent the party in a congress of the African Liberal Network (ALN) in Nairobi, Kenya next week. They are Ms. Belinda Bulley, the 2nd Vice Chairperson, Richard Nii Amarh Nkunim, the Executive Secretary, Emmanuel Osei, the Coordinator of the PPP Volunteer Group and Faruk Azaah, an … Read more

PPP Officials Attend Liberals Congress In Kenya

Four officers of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP) will represent the party in a  six days Congress of the African Liberal Network (ALN) in Nairobi, Kenya. They include Ms Belinda Bulley, the 2nd Vice Chairperson, Richard Nii Amarh Nkunim, the Executive Secretary, Emmanuel Osei, the Coordinator of the PPP Volunteer Group and Faruk Azaah, an … Read more