Compassion, Empathy As Cure Of Trumpism

Politics should not be put ahead of national interests nor ideology and hate dominate our thinking over everything. Now I am satisfied with someone being on the opposite side of the political spectrum from me, trying to keep in mind that one side in an argument rarely holds all the truth. However, when some people … Read more

Trump Could Feel Sting From New Clinton Ads

U. S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump could feel some pain from a new line of political ads from his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s team depicting him as a racist, at a time when he is trying to catch up in the polls. Clinton’s campaign this week put out a new TV advertisement claiming that … Read more

Trump Promises To Track Immigrants

The US Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has said he will develop a tracking system to help authorities control immigration. Speaking on the campaign trail in Iowa, he outlined what he called an “entry-exit” programme, which would track those who overstay their visas. He also reiterated his support for building a wall along the southern … Read more

Donald Trump Relents Over Paul Ryan Re-Election

US presidential candidate Donald Trump has publicly backed House Speaker Paul Ryan days after snubbing him in a spat at the top of the Republican Party. Mr Trump shocked party members on Tuesday when he refused to endorse Mr Ryan and Senator John McCain in their campaigns for re-election in November. Mr Ryan, the party’s … Read more