Vigilantes Can Turn Terrorists – Nigerian Professor Cautions

A Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, Isaac Olawale Albert, has advised African countries to disband political vigilante groups as they could grow and turn into terrorists to disturb the peace on the continent. Citing the rise of Boko Haram as an example, he said the group began in … Read more

WANEP Hopeful For Peaceful Elections In Ghana

The Executive Director of WANEP, Chukwuemeka Eze has expressed optimism that the December 7 Presidential elections will be peaceful. He said going by the level of preparedness and especially the concerted efforts of civil society organizations and its collaboration with key state institutions especially the National Peace Council and other stakeholders, the elections would be … Read more

An Open Letter To The People Of The United States

As citizens of the USA with a presidential election approaching you have a wonderful opportunity to ponder whether to participate in this election or to participate in the ongoing American Revolution. Your first revolution might have overthrown the authority of the British monarchy and aristocracy but the one in progress must remove the US elite … Read more

To Sink Or Survive, The Mantra Of Ghanas 7th Elections

Ghana has experienced six successful elections in the fourth republic and as the country prepares to go to the polls for the seventh time on December 7, 2016, the spotlight is once again on Ghana as it defends its crown of being a beacon of peace in Africa. However it seems Ghanaians have become accustomed … Read more