Man Stopped On Thai Border With Orangutans, Tortoises, Raccoons

Thai wildlife officers have arrested a Malaysian man attempting to smuggle two baby orangutans, 51 tortoises and six raccoons into the kingdom across its southern border, officials said Thursday. The animals were packed into plastic boxes and suitcases loaded into Ismail Bin Ahmad’s car, officials said. The 63-year-old was stopped Wednesday as he was attempting … Read more

Indonesian Rangers Dismantle Traps To Save Wildlife

In the depths of Indonesia’s dense Leuser rain forest, a group of rangers are searching for traps set by poachers which are endangering rare wildlife. Scientists and conservationists consider the Leuser Ecosystem, which falls mostly within Aceh province on Sumatra island, to be among the most important forests left in Southeast Asia. It is the … Read more

Great Apes Know When People Are Wrong

Orangutans, chimpanzees and bonobos are the nearest relatives of humans in the primate world, and like us, they can tell when a person is wrong in their beliefs, researchers said Wednesday. Great apes were also willing to help a person who was mistaken about the location of an object, according to the study in the … Read more

Baby Orangutan Rescued After Being Kept As A Pet

Baby primate Vena shyly turned her head away from a bottle as two vets tried to feed her, the latest Bornean orangutan rescued in Indonesia after being kept as a pet. Villagers on the Indonesian part of jungle-clad Borneo island often keep the critically endangered apes as pets even though the practice is illegal. Wildlife … Read more