How Do They Shape Or Define Me?

If I diligently crossed all my t’s and meticulously dotted all my i’s, what would be left for proof readers and sub editors. If ifs and ands were pots and pans there would be no works for tinker’s hands. Of course, if I’d the binocular eyes of the owl or the intrepid eyes of the … Read more

Bagbin’s Bag Had Political ‘bullets’

Bagbin’s bag had political ‘bullets’: Did he cross the red line? If I were Alban Bagbin the majority leader of Ghana’s parliament I would have used the crocs in the Great Paga Lake instead of the driver and a driver’s mate analogy or metaphor he pulled out condescendingly from his bag. The quintessential strange mammals … Read more

Bagbins Bag Had Political Bullets

If I were Alban Bagbin the majority leader of Ghana’s parliament I would have used the crocs in the Great Paga Lake instead of the driver and a driver’s mate analogy or metaphor he pulled out condescendingly from his bag. The quintessential strange mammals have attracted peoples and tourists from far and near to the … Read more