An Open Letter To The People Of The United States

As citizens of the USA with a presidential election approaching you have a wonderful opportunity to ponder whether to participate in this election or to participate in the ongoing American Revolution. Your first revolution might have overthrown the authority of the British monarchy and aristocracy but the one in progress must remove the US elite … Read more

The Mischaracterization of Occupy Flagstaff House

Give a dog a bad name and hang him. This old English expression encapsulates the unfortunate wrongful branding of a noteworthy cause. Proponents of Occupy Flagstaff House and its offshoot RedFriday have come under criticism for the tone of language expressed by certain supporters of their cause. The social media campaign by these two action … Read more

Why I Did Not Show Up For Occupy FlagStaff House.

There is a story of the cat who made life unbearable for a group of mice so much so that they decided to form a committee to decide on which course of action to take against him. The solution the group of mice came up with was to place a bell around the neck of … Read more