Prosecuted Or Persecuted?

“A leader should always be open to criticism, not silencing dissent. Any leader who does not tolerate criticism from the public is afraid of their dirty hands to be revealed under heavy light. And such a leader is dangerous, because they only feel secure in the darkness.” Suzy Kassem: “Rise Up and Salute the Sun” … Read more

When Mahama Wears The Commander-In-Chiefs Uniform

A couple of weeks, or so, ago when he donned his non-constitutionally authorized army general’s ceremonial uniform, a remarkable number of eyebrows were raised by both media wags and legal mavens. Some might have even found it to be a bit amusing. But for me, knowing the architectural and anatomical history of the National Democratic … Read more

Former President Rawlings Is Oscillating Between Feelings and Morality

It is on record that the three governments headed by Former President J. J. Rawlings killed more people in Ghana than all the other governments combined in that endeavour. Former President Rawlings headed the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) government in 1979 and within three months had executed his predecessor military rulers and superiors. In … Read more