Off-Duty Nurse Saves Dying Patient On the Street of Koforidua

Lydia Agyei Yeboah, a Nursing Trainee with the Atibie Nursing and Midwifery College exhibited the true character of Florence Nightingale on May Day in Koforidua, when she saved a hypoglycemia patient dying on the street of Koforidua, Eastern regional Capital of Ghana. The Patient, identified as Joe was attacked by convulsive seizure and near loss … Read more

Health Benefits Of Dandelion

The health benefits of dandelion include relief from liver disorders, diabetes , urinary disorders, acne , jaundice, cancer and anemia . It also helps in maintaining bone health, skin care and is a benefit to weight loss programs. Despite the health benefits of dandelions, they are traditionally more popular as ornamental flowering plants than as … Read more