Old Ghanaian Couple Welcome First Child After Trying For 4 Decades!

Ghanaian couple living in New York City, Amin and Akosua, both 59 years old welcomed their first child on Saturday, 15th July, 2017 after waiting for almost 40 years! Akosua Budu Amoako gave birth to a full-term 7lb 4oz boy on June 15 at Bellevue Woman’s Center in Niskayuna, near Albany. Budu says she and … Read more

Maintaining Healthy Prostate

1. Diet and Lifestyle Changes Consume the following foods and supplements and make the following lifestyle changes to help maintain optimal prostate health. Tomatoes Tomatoes (especially when cooked) provide lycopene, which is critical for prostate health. Research shows that high consumption of cooked tomatoes, thanks to tomato nutrition providing lycopene and other antioxidants, may play … Read more