High Carbohydrate Diet May Hasten Menopause

A diet high in carbs could bring on an earlier menopause, a study suggests. Eating lots of pasta and rice was associated with reaching menopause one-and-a-half years earlier than the average age of women in the UK of 51. However, the University of Leeds study of 914 UK women, also found that a diet rich … Read more

More Than 100 MILLION Americans Have Diabetes, Report Reveals

Almost a third of the US population – 100 million people – either has diabetes or pre-diabetes, a new federal report has revealed. Diabetes is a serious disease that doubles the risk of early death. Complications can include blindness, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and amputation of fingers, toes and limbs. In the US Centers … Read more

Diabetes Or Its Precursor Affects 100 Million Americans

Almost one-third of the US population — 100 million people — either has diabetes or its precursor condition, known as pre-diabetes, said a government report Tuesday. Diabetes is a serious disease that doubles the risk of early death. Complications can include blindness, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and amputation of fingers, toes and limbs. In … Read more

Dusty Homes Could Make You OBESE – Research

It’s bad news for those who hate cleaning – dust can make you fat, shocking new research suggests. Just minuscule amounts of the annoying, tiny specks that collect in dirty homes can trigger a bulging waistline. Full of gender-bending chemicals responsible for weight gain, dust can be inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin. This … Read more

7 Foods That Grow Your Breasts

While these foods that increase breast size naturally will mostly benefit those who wish to add some pounds to their boobies, those who are wishing the melons are smaller are not completely left out… We live in a world where artificial body modifications are increasingly gaining prominence and wide acceptance, especially among the women folk. Breast, … Read more

7 Foods That Grow Your Breasts

While these foods that increase breast size naturally will mostly benefit those who wish to add some pounds to their boobies, those who are wishing the melons are smaller are not completely left out… We live in a world where artificial body modifications are increasingly gaining prominence and wide acceptance, especially among the women folk. Breast, … Read more