Naaviq Trains Four In Water Treatment

Naaviq Company Limited has trained four persons in water treatment and borehole technology. The participants were taken through eight months of intensive on-the-job training. CEO of Naaviq Victoria Naashika Quaye said her outfit is looking forward to impart knowledge in a lot of Ghanaians to make them self-sufficient. “These people came without any idea about … Read more

Ghana To Learn From Best Practices In Job Creation

Ghana would learn from the best practices in Kenya, India, and other partners, to complement its strategies for giving decent jobs to vulnerable people, towards the eradication of hunger and poverty by 2030. Madam Otiko Afisah Djaba, the President’s Representative to the 55th Session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development, told the Ghana … Read more

751 ‘Witches’ Put on Livelihood Empowerment Programme

The government of Ghana has placed a total of 751 persons in Witches Camps on the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) Programme. According to the Finance Minister Seth Terkper, the perceived witches were part of an additional 6,006 beneficiaries enrolled in the programme in the Northern and Upper East regions. “The Ministry [Gender and social … Read more

Stand for Something…

Everyone who knows me, knows that I am quick to put pen to paper, when I’m hungry, when I’m angry, when something moves me, when I want to make a difference… but what can I say, “life happened” and with life, you pick up some and drop some as priorities change, etc., so forgive me! … Read more