Banks To Reduce Loan Defaults As It Intensifies Search For Collaterals

Banks have intensified their search for collaterals from businesses and loan applicants in a bid to reduce growing number of non-performing loans (NPLS) in the banking sector that had hit GH¢ 6.2 billion as of December 2016. The move is to tighten the loose ends in the loan application process that has seen the banking … Read more

Kenya Will Deny Water, Electricity and Phone Bills Debtors Loan Come 2017

Failure to pay electricity, water and telephone bills could now land Kenyans on the list of defaulters at the credit reference bureau and deny them access to loans. The noose is tightening on bad debtors, with settling of Sacco loans now also added to factors — which will from January 2017 be used to determine … Read more