Syrian Civilians Fleeing IS In Raqa Turn To Smugglers
Civilians fleeing the Islamic State group's Syrian bastion of Raqa are paying smugglers to lead them out of the city ...
Civilians fleeing the Islamic State group's Syrian bastion of Raqa are paying smugglers to lead them out of the city ...
Protesters prepared to march in the Moroccan city of Al-Hoceima on Thursday in defiance of a government ban, the latest ...
Streaming service Tidal revealed an original movie starring recent Oscar winners Thursday as telecom giant and part-owner Sprint announced a ...
After fleeing the battleground city of Mosul, Yusra Mohammed says her children were detained by Iraqi Kurdish forces and she ...
They were attacked by "drugged, drunk and uncontrollable" armed men, and now the residents of a Central African town live ...
Jihad Chaaban, the Marwako Fast Food Supervisor, who is being held for assault on Thursday, sent audience in court laughing ...
Jihad Chaaban, the Marwako Fast Food Supervisor, who is being held for assault on Thursday, sent audience in court laughing ...
A video of an imam appearing to call for the murder of Jews in a sermon during Friday prayers at ...
Arriving on motorcycles and donkeys, in cars, or even on foot, hundreds of people have flocked to a site in ...
US actor Will Smith -- one of the most bankable stars in the world -- is to sit on the ...
A former Dutch MP and prominent critic of conservative Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, has cancelled a speaking tour of Australia ...
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born women's advocate and leading critic of Islam, on Monday cancelled a tour of Australia and ...
Will Smith has reunited with the cast from The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air - more than 20 years after the ...
Every week, young divorcee Rita Choukeir looks forward to the three precious hours she gets with her young son in ...
The Jordan Football Association on Sunday inaugurated its first women's stadium in the capital Amman that is to feature in ...
It's every budding actor's dream - a starring role in a TV show or film that becomes a major hit. ...
France's Racing 92 club will fire former All Black lock Ali Williams, who was arrested in Paris last month in ...
The employee at the Abelenkpe branch of Marwako Fast Foods in Accra who was allegedly assaulted by her Supervisor says ...
The employee at the Abelenkpe branch of Marwako Fast Foods in Accra who was allegedly assaulted by her Supervisor says she wnats ...
A son of boxing legend Muhammad Ali was held for questioning for two hours at a Florida airport upon returning ...
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