We will still say that when the record of history is written, it will show that former Mr. John Dramani Mahama was more interested in grand-opening half-completed edifices than building institutions Ghanaians could count on to properly order their lives, the Ghanaian economy, and their role in the world of the 21st Century.
Today, we have learned that Mr. Mahama refuses to vacate the VP residence.
That, in addition to the official residence provided him while president, Mr. Mahama had also been occupying the statutory home of Ghana’s Vice Presidents.
It is remarkable the bi-partisan Transition Team did not address this problem, or alert Ghanaians, before Akufo Addo and Bawumia were installed as president and vice-president.
What did Akufo Addo, Bawumia, and the NPP Transition Team know, and when did they know it?
Can Ghanaians trust these people?
This is disgraceful.
This is continuing elitism and continued rape and plunder by high level officials.
Serious Akufo-Addo must show Ghana what he’s got!
Newly-crowned President Akufo-Addo Dankwa, if he wants everyone to understand that he is serious, must aid Ghanaians quickly revise that wart-infested Rawlingsian Constitution that is causing all those losses and predation on innocent Ghanaians. There is no duty or task more important for Ghana today!
Martin Amidu should not get suckered into that cesspit of depravity, arrogance and false sense of entitlement to facilities they themselves did not build with their own resources.
Strangely, or perhaps on purpose, the NPP, Akufo-Addo Dankwa, and his new Bawumia totally neglected to include completion of the Constitutional review and its re-adoption in their 2016 Manifesto.
Strangely, or perhaps on purpose, Akufo-Addo Dankwa never talks about the Constitution even if as he finds lots of time visiting with former living presidents who, to a person, have skeletons related to theft of public property and resources, promising his “Nana-Self” that he will consult with them as he governs Ghana.
Who cares?
Why that guilty-ego-trip?
It is never too late!
The time is now!
What one parliament creates, another can render asunder without sweat when they occupy those same official buildings.
Using Parliament to install a special prosecutor is not a sign of institution building. It is a sign that you are not really, really serious. It is a sign that you do not really care. It is a sign that you are not really prepared to fight to the ordinary man in the street who elected you to that august position.
Yes, it is a sign that President Akufo Addo and his Vice President, notwithstanding all that talk, are not entirely serious about effective- and outcome-based governance that leave as little room as possible for the type of theatrics we are now seeing. Like the one coming from former president Mahama, and all that shame that never stopped while he was president.
It is a big problem and Julius Debrah ought to be ashamed for carrying that putrid water for defeated Mahama.
Mr. Martin Amidu should not make any mistake here!
Mr. Martin Amidu ought not accept any position in the Akufo Addo-Bawumia government before the work on the Constitution is totally completed and all those Rawligsian warts and defeatist theatrics are removed.
That includes making high-level officials pay income taxes on their government incomes just like the teachers and civil servants!
It includes abrogating Mahama’s Act 619 and declaration that the world standard Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) is the only authorized Oil and Gas regime for Ghana!
It includes bringing order to all those absurd high-level allowances paid to ministers for little work done without respect to Ghanaians!
It includes stopping confiscations of government property and vehicles by defeated former officials and all those receiving political benefits for doing diddly-squat.
Mr. Martin A. B. K. Amidu ought not accept any position, including Attorney-General of Ghana, Special Prosecutor, and such, not until Akufo Addo does what is right by Ghana and completes the work on the Constitution.
Then, when that work is completed, Mr. Martin Amidu could begin helping Akufo Addo cement his legacy, again, even before Akufo Addo completes estimating precisely what the election is worth to him and the NPP in the form of capital and a mandate, post-2016 NPP electoral victory, post-inaugural.
Again, congratulations to Nana Akufo-Addo Dankwa!
Now, get to the more serious work in resource-rich Ghana.
Deeds must matter more than talk today!
Deal with it, sir!
So it goes, Ghana!
NOTES/SOURCES: 1. Mahama refuses to vacate official residence; Bawumia stranded, http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Mahama-refuses-to-vacate-official-residence-Bawumia-stranded-499408.
2. Martin A. B. K. Amidu. Thanks And Congratulations To The People Of Ghana For Voting A New Government, (https://www.modernghana.com/news/742151/thanks-and-congratulations-to-the-people-of-ghana-for-voting.html#comments).
VISIT WWW. GHANAHERO.COM/VISIONS, FOR MORE INFOR: FOIB – Freedom of Information Bill (FOIB/FOI/Ghana), (http://ghanahero.com/FOIB.html). SUBJ: Martin Amidu must not join Akufo Addo before Constitution is re-adopted! Support Fair-Trade Oil Share Ghana (FTOS-Gh) Campaign/Petition: https://www.change.org/p/ghana-fair-trade-oil-share-psa-campaign-ftos-gh-psa/ Brought to you courtesy www.GhanaHero.com©9 Jan 17. (Powered by: www.GhanaHero.Com).