Complete Biography & Profile of Daniel Augustus Lartey, Head of GCPP

Mr. Daniel Augustus Lartey, the 2000 presidential candidate of the Great Consolidated Popular Party, was born on August 1, 1926 at Winneba in the Central Region. In 1940 he obtained a diploma at the London Chamber of Commerce and Sloan’s Shorthand Certificate of Proficiency in 1942. He also obtained a diploma in commerce and industry from London School of Economics in 1956. From 1944 to 1958 MR Lartey worked with the then United Africa Company (UAC) where he rose to Senior Management Status and was posted to the Headquarters at Unilever House, London.

Mr. Lartey established a number of businesses, including the Lartey and Lartey Books and Stationary, which later became the nucleus of the Ghana Book Supply, Citadel Printing Press and the Federal Stores of Nigeria. His political carrier started in 1969 when he contested the Gomoa East Constituency seat on the ticket of the National Alliance of Liberals (NAL). In 1972 he was appointed a special adviser to the government of the National Redemption Council. In 1978 he represented the Gomoa Ewutu-Effutu in the constituent assembly in the writing of the Third Republican Constitution.

Mr. Lartey was a founding member of People’s National Party (PNP) in 1979, was an aspiring presidential candidate of the National Independence Party (NIP) in 1992.

He is married to Sahra Malm