People have been vociferating continuously day and night about the drastic downfall of the economy of the country and the resulting impact. It wasn’t like this before they exclaimed out of anger and annoyance ludicrously criticizing and attributing the whole blame on the present administration without taking into cognizance the maladministration and malpractice of the past governments.
Truly, our currency has depreciated in the eye of foreign currencies. Truly, the market price of food items is at exorbitant rate and hunger keeps militating the lives of the poor thus making them poorer. Truly, couple of neighboring countries have withdrawn their operations and services from our country due to the bad economy.
Truly, Nigeria is currently embattled by the militants who keeps frustrating the government and disrupting peaceful coexistence.
But then, even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. I am not a fan of the party in power neither am I a pro-buhari but I can say without prejudice and any atom of bias that there is a clear-cut difference between this administration and previous ones. Buhari led administration is paving way for a better economy by encouraging and accelerating factors that will ensure a buoyant economy, effectively managing resources, fighting corruption sufficiently and ensuring that the stolen funds and treasures are returned adequately among other things.
The past governments did not address the issue of corruption in this manner despite the fact that corruption is the major factor inhibiting national growth and stabilized economy. The Jonathan led administration have seriously crippled the economy by the large percentage of atrocities committed by the corrupt public officials thereby leaving the mess for the present administration to clean up. This can be evidenced in the statement of the secretary of United States who visited Nigeria recently. He said “Nigeria was left in a poor state for this present administration”.
It is easy to destroy but quite uneasy to disentangle. People have forgotten this and looking down having forgotten that they will never find a rainbow while looking down. This present administration is focused and determined towards ensuring that Nigeria gets better but this is just the second year of the tenure. Why the impatience?
As patriotic citizens, we can always contribite to the growth of the economy if only we can be productive as it requires the collective effort of the citizens and government to ensure economic growth. The resounding voices of curses and attributing blames will not solve the problem but rather worsen it. Get up and do something relevant!!
I am fundamentally an optimist and I urge us all to be. Part of being optimistic is keeping ones head pointed towards the sun and one’s feet moving forward. There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel!!
Ologuntere Abdul-azeem is a four hundred level student of University of Ilorin. He can be reached via [email protected]