GOD created the Earth by his Commanding Word so that “it was”. He has no arms, no wings, no head, no hands, and no body as he is a Spirit with a Vision and a Will to make his Vision come true. His weapons are his words to make us, brake, teach us, forgive us and promote us. How much more are Words important to us as Individuals and Societies?
Coca-Cola is one of the most expensive brand names in the world. A small Pharmacist in the urban USA invented Medication for his Patients that became the Symbol, during World War II, of American Life-Style to free the Spirit of people around the world. One third of Cola is sugar, the rest plenty of water and a bit of brown flavor giving Consumers the impression of another World to enjoy.
Their recent Marketing Slogan “Open Happiness” is a Masterpiece of Brainwashing Consumers and a lesson to learn for African Economies and Societies. In a Cola bottle is no Happiness to be found, only sugary water with flavor. “Taste the Feeling”, their current Slogan, is another Excellent Marketing Brainwasher as in the clear designed Bottle there is no Feeling either inside, but sugary water with flavor only stimulating the Consumer by the sugar content to drink even more.
Red Bull, the Energy Drink from Switzerland, is another well studied example of successful Marketing by using powerful Words regardless about the truth of them and behind them. They entered the market in Germany by claiming, Red Bull would give someone wings, instead correctly wording the Slogan by saying that Red Bull would give someone the feeling or impression as if they WOULD have wings to fly. No Consumer of Red Bull has ever been spotted to have wings at his back to easily cross the world to land from Germany coming on the African continent saving money for Air Tickets.
Africans should be advised to study Propaedeutic and its meanings, the Science of giving a Thing a Word from its own language to name it.
Looking into History Adolf Hitler, the Bagger and Loser from Graz/Austria sleeping rough in the streets of Munich had only one weapon to gather followers behind him, the right words at the right time to the right people supported by Gestures on point and sustained over time by actions.
“Made in Germany” was forced by the British unto the Germans in order for their products to be identified as coming from Hitler’s country not knowing that the products on which they wanted the three words to see by its quality created for Germans the Image and perception to produce high quality products at high cost compared to other Economies around the world. Keeping the standard and improving on it constantly ensures Products and Services will have a sustained success for Generations to enjoy its benefits.
The Image of Africa in the Western World is a troubled continent with vast amount of much needed natural resources, wars, corruption, the Big Five in Game Parks, exotic nature and colourful Traditions mixed with impoverished and starving children with big swollen bellies to feel ashamed of being rich themselves. Young, enthusiastic Volunteers from around the world see the need in Africa and injustice done by their own countries pushing comfortably the greater picture of self-inflicted misery aside.
“Made in Ghana” is an indication of the Origin of Products, it is not an Image the White Man can understand as it is not explained to him by the Black Man. What does it stand for? Every Territory has its own laws, so does have Heaven, Earth and in it in each country it is different. What does the Black Man know about the perception the White Man is having when he does not involve him into the translation of “Made in Ghana” into the Laws of his Territory and his understanding. African countries could easily trade all their needed goods among themselves, only the fact remains, they do not trust each other. Whatever comes from the White Man is seen as better as and more acceptable than from a neighboring country.
Companies with a sense of Marketing see the need of establishing Sales Promotion companies outside their Territory in the White Man’s World for Consumers to be accepted as Buyers feel more comfortable to order and send money to a company’s Bank Account in Europe or USA than to Africa.
Ghana has an Export Promotion Board teaching Ghanaian Companies the Rules and Regulations to export their products to the Western World. This Board cannot market aggressively -as needed- the various products produced in Ghana, determine and implement a successful Marketing Strategy for private Companies. Coca-Cola, Adidas, Puma, Apple and other success stories did not use the help of any Export Promotion Boards but their Innovation and Cleverness in marketing their products in various markets with the right attitude to be successful…by using the right words at the right time!
Government and Private Companies short sighting in Ghana prevents a promising success tool from implementation, to set up a Private Company in Europe/USA as a Cooperative of Enterprises that is not seen as a Governmental Institution and together in the Territory of the White Man sell their Products to Consumers and gain trust with Commercial Buyers like Supermarkets and alike sending their orders and money into a EU or USA Bank Account. What is simple to make and a Road to strategic success, becomes for African a hurdle as nobody trust anybody among the Blacks.
Africa: Do not fall over your own mistakes rather stand upright and tell us your story…we are listening to your WORDS!