The meaning of life is living it to the minimum by your actions and decisions
Life is not a liar. It is reality. No one can ever live a life of purpose and maximize their potential if they refuse to see the need to develop themselves through learning. To be able to live your life to the maximum, you must crave for change. Change is the catalytic agent for success. Many people want to have newer things but are not ready to commit to changing their lifestyles and behavior.
The love the glory normal ordinary life brings them.
There is a reason for your living and until you discover that, you will never live your life to the minimum. This will only make you to be upset and jealous about other people’s achievement and success. Many people are not living their life to the fullest for many reasons. Some of these reasons could be fear of success, fear of people, procrastination, laziness, comparison and self-doubt.
All these are wolves frightening a lot of people. And for that, they are not prepared to change. They would rather wait and be wasted than to let go of a habit in order to achieve their influence in the community.
Oprah Winfrey once said “Live your best life.” She then explains that, for one to become happy and successful, one has to desire to live his or her life the best way. Life is the best gift given to mankind. Everything else is meaningless without it. This simply means you should discover the things that will help you live a fulfilled life and commit and dedicate your time and energy to the maximum.
Living your life to the maximum will require that you commit yourself and give your full attention to whatever you do. The Bible says, “Whatever thy hand finds to do, do it with all thy might. You cannot live anyhow and expect to be fruitful. The quality of your dedication and commitment to something specific determines the quality of your success.
Laziness is a catalytic agent for failure. When you become very lazy about the things you do, you deny yourself from becoming successful. If you are not ready to commit your total focus and attention to the things you do, then it is better not to try to do them. Halfhearted commitment to thing produces mediocre results. You must be ready to cultivate the habit of learning new skills that will enable, or give you the passion to look forward in doing the things you love. Nothing gives a man fulfillment in life like the passion to do something fruitful.
The most difficult thing to do in order to live a meaningful life is by discovering your place and taking it. Finding your place and taking your place does not mean to literally go looking for position you are not qualified or do not have the skills for. It does not mean you should go and start competing with your CEO for his or her position. That would be wrong move. What I mean is, realize your own strength and ability to do something that will add value and inspire a change to you and the people in your circle. Do you have the inspiration to help others? Why not commit yourself to it by channeling your strength in that direction, which is more fulfilling than sitting idly and gazing into the sky all day as the earth goes around the sun. Our values and happiness in life are found in our purpose. Our purpose is the reason we are here.
Many people are too settled in their mind and have allowed other people’s life to control their own personal life. They think they are not born to make impact in society. They have limited themselves from finding out what they can do to make their life count.
This has resulted in many not able to discover what they are born with in the area of talent and gifting or taken long time to find their place in society. A man’s purpose in what give him a place in society. This is how one becomes fulfilled and impactful in society.
Fear has been an old enemy to success. Fear has the ability to limit us from stepping into what we can easily do in life to become relevant and significant in society.
No one ever has fear as a teammate and succeeded. Fear causes a person to have negatives images or imaginations which keep him or her in stagnation and failure. The fear you fail to overcome will overcome you.
This is why it is very vital to bury any sign of fear that comes into your mind whenever you want to make a positive step into achieving your purpose. No matter how much we love our loved ones, we do not keep them around us when they die. We take the necessary steps to bury them. Fear creates negatives imagination in a person’s mind and makes them feel less of importance about themselves. To be fulfilled and maximize your life fully, you must learn to overcome your fear by burying it.
Fears cause depression, anxiety, and interrupt our ability to remain focus in making sensible decision that we would normally do to achieve our dream. You must develop the boldness and confidence to bury anything that has put fear in you. Bury fear before it buries you in failure and disappointments. Never allow the fear of people, mocking, success, and failure to blindfold you. Look into the future and take the necessary steps to get there. Remember that you are here to make positive impacts. No matter how little your efforts are, don’t let fear quench your determination and dedication to move towards your dream.
For you to have the freedom to live your life and become what you have always wished to become, you must bury the fear that has always kept you away from your purpose. Don’t let fear disable you from making progress in life.
The key to success and fulfilled life is through serving others. Serving others may not necessary yield money but it is rewarding and fulfilling. It is very interesting how most people want to be influential in society but do not want to serve society. Those who serve become great in life. Your level of service determines your level of greatness. This means that, you have to look for opportunity or avenue to serve others in love without expecting anything in return. It is very sad these days how many people have become money conscious and have failed in serving others freely. I have always said that, success is not microwaveable. You can never expect to be successful in life without being serviceable.
Offering yourself to be a blessing to someone or volunteering yourself for an hour to serve will go a long way to inspire you to develop and improve yourself in hospitality. Doing this will help you to overcome your limitations and fear to make progress in life and maximize your potentials. It will also help you to reorganize your life around your purpose and avoid being taken for granted by negative people.
Change is good but not many people life the process of change. You can never remain the same and expect to make positive change to your world. Most people who are able to make effective changes to their world and the people around them are those who are committed to change. To live an effective and be productive in this life, you must be addicted to change.
Unless you are ready to change, life’s challenges will change you of which you will not or may not like. No one can change for you except you. You are the only one who determines your level of change by the attitude and character to develop about change.
We are admonished to renew our mind in order to transform our lives. Transformation only becomes possible when we accept the need for a change. A life without change is a life of no value. It is very interesting to see how many want new and beautiful things but will do everything to stand against change.
A leader who fails to initiate change will find it difficult to see productivity in his or her organisation, church, business, family and institution. However, the person or leader who embraces the need for change will see great level of positive changes in the lives of the people he or she leads.
Limitations are like traffic lights. They are everywhere. Our ability to identify them is what gives us the confidence to approach them and go through them without crushing with ongoing car or vehicle. In life, each and every one of us needs to identify the things that stop us from achieving our goals and purpose. Knowing what you need to do and taking the necessary steps to do them is what will give you the winning edge over the fear or limitation that limits others from becoming successful in their endeavors.
As an author, I know the very things that try to distract or divert my focus whenever I get into the mood of writing. I don’t just assume I can write easily without my challenge. This however gives me the tenacity to remain focus and dedicate my time to remove the limitation. These limitations are sometime in the form of my phone, text, WhatsApp. I try as much as possible to turn off my television, and any other thing that can steal my full attention from writing my books, article or motivational messages such as this one. This has given me competitive advantage over other authors who marvel at the rate at which I write my books and still commit to my full time work within the National Health Service.
I have become more successful in the things especially the books I write and have attained success and satisfaction by removing my identified limitations. No more limits to you when you can spend time to identify and eradicate your limitations. You are born to make impact. Step up and keep up living your life to the maximum. I dare you to live your life.
Ferdinard Senyo Lawson Author: is a Creativity Award (CA-AWARD, 2015) Best Life Coach & Best Public Speaker Winner, True African Heritage Awards (BEST AUTHOR, 2015) and Beffta. Founder & C. E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C ( FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker ,Publishing Consultant and columnist He is an international speaker.