Americans are looking forward to electing a president on Nov. 8, 2016. The electioneering campaigns are in top gears, all the presidential candidates have had erratic poll numbers, endorsements, huge rallies, and financial donations. Also, the candidates have been dusted with incessant political attacks, scandals, probes and ad mudslinging, however, none of the aforementioned vicissitude of politics will determine the winner.
The aim of this article is to discuss the five divine laws that will determine the 2016 U. S presidential election with a view to providing a deep transcendental spiritual clarity that is only accessible to the sapient. The laws are not natural laws or physical laws – neither based on electoral rules nor science nor any human endeavors. The laws that will determine the election are not laws like the Ten Commandments, which the candidates will necessarily want to comply with. The laws that will determine the election are not laws that any of the candidates can influence or manipulate, and no one can prevent the laws from operating.
There are divine laws that govern the universe and humankind; the laws are from a spiritual kingdom that surrounds and influences our physical world. Therefore, the laws that will determine the election are spiritual; they were designed and created by God the Absolute. If you read the Holy Bible in truth and spirit, you will be illumined to know that God operates on secrets, and the secrets of God are in His strict set of spiritual laws. You can obediently tap into these secrets only if you fear God ( Psalm 25:14 , 103:7 ). Please note that all Scriptural quotes are not laws, however, through contextual biblical wisdom, you can identify certain quotes that God codified as spiritual laws if only “the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you,” according to Jesus Christ in Matthew 11:13 . Then you will know that the laws of God are right ( Psalm 19:8 ).
In the coming U. S. presidential election, man does not have to intervene and make the laws work. The laws will automatically operate whether you believe them or not, and whether you like them or not. I repeat: The laws of God are right. Lo! these laws will divinely and collectively favor just one candidate and that candidate shall become the 45th U.S. President, period.
Here are the laws: The Law of New Beginning: This law states that: “See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being, I announce them to you.” (Isaiah 42:9). This is the law of God that creates what has never existed before. The law allows what must be created to spring into being, no matter the obstacles or challenges. According to the Holy Bible, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” but because the earth was dark, God said “let there be light,” and there was light (Genesis 1:1-3). The outcome is easy to understand; something that has never existed before was simply created. In this election, God will ordain one candidate that has never been in the likes of the previous U. S. Presidents. It will be a new beginning in American history. Check the past U.S. Presidents; they were all men and they were either career politicians or military men. In the 2016 election, there is going to be a new beginning in the person of the next president. God loves creating new things, after all, many miracles recorded in the Bible are distinctly new! America for the first time shall elect either the first female president, or a president who is a businessman (neither a politician nor military) or maybe a first independent president who does not belong to a major political party. Also, with a former model or a former U.S. President as a spouse in the White House. America, something new is about to happen. The law of new beginning will favor one candidate from this locus of spiritual control. The Law of Rejection: This law states that: “The stone the builders rejected, has become the cornerstone” (Psalm 118.22). This is the law that converts a rejection into an acceptance. When God anoints a man for a special duty on earth, neither man nor Satan can stop the task. This was demonstrated in the Holy Bible. For example, God chose the shepherd boy, David as the king of the United Kingdom of Israel despite the fact that his own parents did not initially endorse him for the kingship slot (Psalm 27:10, 1 Samuel 16:11-12). David’s parents forsook him possibly because they thought David was “not fit” for the throne. If you follow this election, you must have heard why candidates are described as “unfit” for the U.S. presidency for mishandling classified reports or for making incendiary comments about some people in the electorate. Behold, that “unfit” candidate is just God’s choice. Prior to Election Day, a candidate may be rejected in the hearts of the voting public, media, political party establishment, world leaders, global observers, etc. but when God accepts that candidate as His choice for the president, nothing on earth can reverse it. The Sovereign God asks us: “When I act, who can reverse it?” (Isaiah 43:13). A candidate that humans think is a “loser” before Election Day will benefit from this law. Why will this be so? Whenever God wants to get an assignment done, the first thing He looks for is a man or woman that He can use for that purpose. Whether the person is flawed or not, there is an eternal selection principle that does not change: one man or woman for a season, and another for a different season. Moses, Joshua, Joseph, Deborah, Esther, Isaiah, Daniel, Elijah (the Prophet of Fire), Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ (The Messiah), and Paul were ordained by God at different times for special assignments. This is a testimony that God does not call the human-ordained, He ordains whom He called. So for the next four years, God has already selected a president for the United States whom the law of rejection favors. He will use fair voting to reveal His choice after the election. The Law of Change: This laws says that: “He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others” (Daniel 2:21). Many things may change but God does not change. In Malachi 3:6, God declares: “I the Lord do not change.” However, God paves ways for change. God has given man choice and free will to discover and connect to His laws. At times, God in His infinite wisdom will apply the law of change to redirect man’s sensibilities to His desires. He can change the name of man (Genesis 17:5, 17:15, 32:28). He can change the heart of a king (Proverbs. 21:1), and He can change the direction of a nation. Even, when people say bad things against God, He can change unholy speeches of the people and make them pure (Zephaniah 3:9). Change happens through choice, opportunity and crisis. In this election, you must have noticed so many unusual things that have never happened in the history of U.S presidential elections – over ten women accused a candidate of groping or sexual misconduct, a candidate refused to release federal tax returns, a candidate is under FBI probe for undermining national security, accused of untrustworthiness and public corruption, and another under civil lawsuit for fraudulent business activity. Furthermore, there are stolen emails from WikiLeaks, exposure of some members of the media who leaked townhall debate questions to a candidate, etc. By typical past conventions, these events or allegations would have ended the campaigns of these presidential candidates but alas, none could move the needle in this cycle. This means that the U.S. political landscape has changed from the orthodoxy of political normalcy into an unconventional terrace. When these candidates defy normal convention without any forced withdrawal from the presidential race, then the law of change will definitely favor a candidate. The Law of Uncertainty: This law states that: “When people say there is peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them” (1 Thessalonians 5:3, NKJV). Typically, as the Election Day draws nearer, many political pundits like to infer who may likely be elected as the next U.S. President. Often times, their predictions are based on historical polls and concurrent poll data trends. The media-projected “winning” candidate may even go as far as shortlisting candidates for various cabinet positions in readiness for the next presidency, while the media-projected “losing” candidate may be preparing for loss or impugning sentiments of a “rigged system” even before election results are called. Suddenly, though interestingly, something that is surprisingly unexpected will jolt the political landscape and phew! any candidate could be grossly affected. This is called “the October surprise” in U.S. presidential elections. Guess what, nothing surprises God, He is omniscient and omnipotent (Psalm 147:5). Humans just have to understand that God is interested in the affairs of nations, especially who should lead the nations. If God does not want anyone, not even His prophets to know what He wants to do at a particular time in the life of man or a nation, He applies the Law of Uncertainty. Why? Because the thoughts of God are different from the thoughts of man, and the ways of God are different from the ways of man (Isaiah 55:8). Many Americans believe this election is quite unlike previous presidential elections. In fact, National Public Radio (NPR) reported 65 reasons why it is the most “unprecedented” election ever. We have seen so many unusual things that have never happened in the past U.S. presidential elections. These are man-made confusions. Consider what Apostle Paul said: “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33, KJV). We must be ready to accept uncertainties from God if we want solutions that are as clear as the effulgent welkins. God can stop the election or a Vice Presidential candidate may even become the President. Jesus forewarns us: “All things are possible with God” (Mark 10:27). Through the wisdom of uncertainty, God can make us find our certainty. In this election, God‘s Law of Uncertainty will favor a candidate. The Law of Democracy: This law states that: “There is no authority except that which God has established (Romans 13.1). American Founding Fathers understood the law of democracy. During the American Revolution against the British Crown, the Founding Fathers came together to establish a system of government, which is currently known as presidential democracy. They wanted a safe government different from Monarchy and thus discovered and adopted Isaiah 33:22 – “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us.” If interpreted from a wise detachment, you can see that the current American system of government comprises The Judiciary (Judge), Congress (Lawgiver), and The President as the head of the Executive branch (King). The unwise may perceive a warped vision, the straining of limpid exposition and the thwarting of clarity. God will not come down to rule nations, He will give man wisdom to establish a people’s government so that He can continue His relationship with nations. God instituted the law of democracy in order to transfer spiritual ability, freewill, decision-making capabilities, reasoning, thought processes and even authority to the human race. In this election, who can boast to know what is in the heart of each candidate? Notice this inspiring answer: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve” (Jeremiah 17:10). In this election, the law of democracy will favor a presidential candidate that understands that God’s laws will override all the social, economic and political plans of a government.
In conclusion, God operates on many spiritual laws. Just as any polity requires structure and laws, so it is in the Kingdom of God. For this election, I cited 5 laws; the Heavenly arrangement is that all the 5 spiritual laws discussed above must be collectively aligned in favor of a candidate, such that whatever happens to the candidate during electioneering campaign will translate into physical electoral victory. No one can achieve an electoral victory against a God’s candidate ( Romans 8:31 ). God is a Supreme Intelligence, he does not make mistakes, He does not lie, He is highly organized and He acts with accurate precision ( Numbers 23:19 ). Perhaps, for future U. S. presidential elections, God may apply another set of laws. In this election, the next U.S. President, like the past will have freewill, but will the new president do the will of God? Only God has the final say. Again, please check the history of the past American Presidents, each of them was ordained by God to do a significant thing. I think the next U.S. President has a major responsibility to stop global Trojan horses – the friendly enemies of the U.S.
If you are flummoxed about why this 2016 U. S. presidential election is so unprecedented unlike before, you can draw relief insights from this article to understand that the Sovereign God is at work to lead America unto a seraphic path of greatness. As you read this article or ready to vote in this U.S. presidential election, remember two keys: (1) “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord” ( Proverbs 21:30 ) and (2) “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” ( Psalm 33.12 ).
Nester Komolafe monitors the 2016 U. S. Presidential Election from Chicago, IL.