Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, has reminded Ministers and heads of government department and agencies that they will have to account to Ghanaians for every action they take or fail to take while in office.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of a six day Special Training Session on Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as Amended and Public Financial Management reforms for ministers and heads of agencies on Monday, Vice President Bawumia said the high offices they hold come with a responsibility to manage the public purse judiciously.
Emphasising the importance of public procurement in any growing economy, Dr Bawumia said the NPP government was desirous of doing government business on the right footing and determined to deal with corruption head-on.
“This Special Training programme is designed to build the capacity of government appointees and Heads of institutions on the essential provisions of the Public Procurement Law, Public Financial Management Law and the Budget preparation processes in order to avoid some of the mistakes of the past and achieve more tangible development results for Ghana” he stated.
“For all of you here, at one time or the other, you will be held accountable for your stewardship of the various institutions that you are in. One of the key areas of accountability will be for procurement, because this is where we are able to protect the public purse.
“So as well as protecting the public purse, I think this training programme will also help you to protect yourselves, going down the line, because at one point or the other you will be asked to account for your stewardship.
“The policy thrust of the 2017 Budget Statement under the theme ‘Sowing the Seeds for Growth and Jobs’ gives an indication of how government intends to pursue strict enforcement of the anti-corruption agenda through effective fiscal discipline and the enforcement of all the provisions of the PFM Law and the Public Procurement Act as amended.”
The Chief of Staff, Mrs Akosua Frema Osei-Opare, who was Chairperson for the programme, commended the Chief Executive of the Public Procurement Authority, Mr Agyenim Boateng Adjei, and Minister of State in Charge of Procurement, Hon Sarah Adwoa Safo, for putting together the training regime and tasked participants to pay close attention in order not to fall foul of the law in the discharge of their duties.
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